Create realistic fluids in 3d

Create realistic fluids in 3d. Realistic computer 3D visualization involves working with different materials, including liquids. Natural water, drinks, rains – in order to make these and other objects as close to the present as possible, it is necessary to use special methods and software.

Topical tools for visualizing liquids

Today, in 3d visualization, most tasks to create a three-dimensional fluid and simulate its behavior relative to other objects that contain the scene are solved by the method of smoothed particles, which is also SPH (from the English Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic). It is based on the representation of the liquid by individual elements-particles, interacting with each other and forming a liquid with the desired characteristics. Particles are used in the following visualization tools:


Real Flow: This program was originally created to simulate fluids using the SPH method and since its inception it has been using it to solve such problems in various serials, films and animated films, as well as in computer games and advertising.

Glu3D. If you work in 3D Max or Maya, this plugin, also using a particle system, is good for working with a wide variety of fluids in any project, from creating static renderers to animated clips.

In addition to programs and plugins based on a particle system, there are tools based on other methods of calculating the behavior of liquids. For example, the method of lattice Boltzmann equations, which came into the visualization environment from computational fluid dynamics, is used in Blender to simulate a scene involving liquids. In such a scene, you need to specify not only the location and characteristics of the liquid itself, but also those objects and surfaces with which it will interact: if you want to demonstrate to the viewer the sea shore, do not forget that the waves will be broken against the stones.

Where is required visualization of liquids?

Whichever medium the visualizer uses, a ready-made three-dimensional model of a liquid can be used in a variety of cases. The simplest are static renderers, which are often used for marketing purposes when it is not possible to make real photographs. For example, a landscape designer wants to present to the client an illustrative example of how an artificial reservoir will look in the context of the design of the future site – as this particular section of the reservoir does not yet exist, you will need to resort to visualization tools. In marketing, animation is also used, and for the commercial it will be necessary not only to create a liquid, but also to set its behavior, since in reality the fluids are quite dynamic. If it is a visualization of a residential complex in which there is a swimming pool,

Scenes of computer games of different genres often contain water or other liquids that need to be modeled, setting their appearance and behavior. As modern gamers always pay attention not only to the plot and gameplay of the game, but also to the realism of graphics, the development of liquids is mandatory even when it comes to minor scenery

Three-dimensional visualization in movies and cartoons is another popular trend, and working with different liquids is an important place to create the right atmosphere. For example, for the film “Poseidon”, the simulation of the wave and the miscalculations of its interaction with the ship for a realistic image took about a year, since it was necessary to reproduce the most believable scene.