Types of 3D Mapping

3D mapping is a technology that allows spectators to see a spectacular spectacle, and so mapping is increasingly used for advertising campaigns, various presentations, and as a component of various entertainment events. Although the most popular and famous is architectural mapping, there are other interesting variations of this technology.

3D mapping can be divided into several types depending on which object are used as the background for the projection:

Architectural: In the network, you can easily find a huge number of videos, which show how an ordinary building with the help of a projector literally comes to life, showing the audience spectacular pictures, smoothly flowing into each other. It’s not just visualization of architectural lighting, some of these videos really make us think that the building actually changes its geometry. Usually for such projects, a well-known building with interesting architecture is selected, because it is from the geometry of the building that you need to build on the design of the project. Often, architectural 3d modeling is used to do this in 3v max, but you can use other suitable programs.


Interior: This is the same option, when thanks to the projection the interior acquires new colors, as well as some dynamics. Interior mapping is a popular solution for the design of various public events taking place in the premises, as well as among owners of cafes, restaurants and other establishments seeking to attract as many customers as possible – including modern design technologies.

Projection on small objects: Not only the building or its separate part can become an object for mapping – any of the existing objects, from the car to the wedding cake, can be revived by laser projection. This is an excellent addition to give any event (holiday, exhibition, presentation) a modern and stylish look, as well as surprise the audience.

Landscape: This is not the most popular type of mapping, however, wildlife objects can also be used as a basis for creating a real light show. Typical objects in this regard can be a forest or a pond, but other interesting features of the terrain are also taken into account when developing the project.

Regardless of the type of mapping, any project is based on the geometry of the object selected by the projection database. The 3d modeling services will be determined by the features of the object, its size, location and other parameters.


Interactive 3D mapping appeared not so long ago, but it is already considered one of the most promising and interesting types of mapping. It has long been noted that anyone better perceives not what he simply looks at, but what he can interact with – this is the principle of interactivity. In mapping, this means that as long as the person is outside the projection beam, the projection itself remains static, but as soon as the ray is crossed, the projection comes to life and begins to react to human actions. An example of this type of mapping is an interactive table or floor, as well as other similar projects. 3D mapping, with which the show participants can interact, is more complicated in execution, as several scenarios are required depending on the person’s action; however, its affectivity is beyond doubt.